You can use any template as a starting point to create another template, either regular or AI. This is how you set up your template in RAI.


Set up the template in RAI

Copy the template to your local template library, so you can modify it without overwriting the original.

  1. Navigate to RAI > Templates
    RAI Templates.jpg

  2. Select your preferred template by checking the box.
    Choose template.jpg

  3. Click the blue 'COPY TEMPLATE' button to copy the template
    Copy Template.jpg

  4. Now you land on this 'Create new template' page. Here you can change the title, language, description and category (called Heading) of the Template. You can also see a Quick Creator dropdown as shown below. If you toggle this dropdown to 'yes', the template will become available in Quick Creator. Let's leave it as 'No' for now, so it doesn't appear in Quick Creator before we are done editing it.
    Quick Creator - no.jpg

  5. Click the green "CREATE" button
    Create template.jpg

  6. Now you should be able to see the template in your local template library.
    Template created.jpg


Log in to the template to start editing it

Log in to the template to be able to edit it.

  1. First, you need to log in to the template you wish to edit. Click the "INFO" link to the left of the template.

  2. Click the blue "LOG IN TO TEMPLATE" button.
    login to template.jpg

  3. This opens up the template in the Editor. Go to 'Design'.
    Go to Design.jpg
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