You can enter your DNS settings and MX records in two places:

1) when you register a new domain
2) in the Subscriptions tab on the Account page

DNS settings are the different settings on a domain which ensure that the domain and the email connected to the domain are working as desired.   

  Need to update your DNS settings?

Read our guide to updating DNS settings for detailed information on how to fill in the various settings.




Overview of DNS Settings


  1. Hostname: if you want to have subdomains on your domain, include the subdomains in the Hostname field. 
  2. Type: choose one of the options from the dropdown menu:

    A Record maps the domain name to an IP address. If your domain is hosted with Mono, the IP address will be your unique Mono reseller IP. Leave the Hostname field blank if you want the A Record to be the root domain. 

    CNAME is used to create name aliases; a CNAME must always be pointed to another domain name, never to an IP address.

    MX (Mail exchange records) is where to direct email; when having multiple MX records, the Priority field determines the order. MX indicates where your mail is hosted.

    TXT - Arbitrary text is often used to implement email abuse prevention or domain ownership verification.
  3. Address: include the value, answer or destination of the information type you have selected. Address can be IP address, domain name, email server name, etc.
  4. Time to live (TTL): Time in seconds before the DNS updates. 
  5. Priority: Used when having several MX records to set the priority. For specific information about priority tags, refer to the email provider's documentation. The first priority is where an email is sent to first. If the server doesn't work, the email will be sent to the second priority, etc. 


Only one record can be updated at a time. Press Save before updating or adding another.


Using email when domain is hosted with another provider

If you need to use an email at our hosting, add the following records at your current provider: > MX > > CNAME >​
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