Overview of the Editor

This article helps you get familiar with the Editor dashboard and general interface.

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After logging in to the Editor, you'll land on the dashboard. The dashboard is designed to provide you a quick overview of how your website is performing, focusing mainly on number of visitors during a specific period and number of engagements (visitors who engaged with elements on your website, for example by clicking on images and downloading files).

Quick access section

At the top of the dashboard, you'll find two buttons that take you two the most frequently used areas of the the Editor: the Edit content button directs you to the Content section of the Editor where you can edit Global Data; the Edit site design button takes you into the website builder where you work on your website design and layout.



Visitor statistics by period

In this section of the dashboard you can find statistics on number of visitors to your website during a specific time period. You can also view details about where the traffic came from, how visitors behaved on the website, and which of your pages were most frequently visited.

By default, the statistics displayed cover the past 30 days. You can change the interval by clicking on Day, Week, Month or specify a custom period by clicking on the dates and selecting a range from the date picker.


this block shows key, overall metrics for your website.

  • Visitors: total number of visitors during the period. The percentage number indicates how much this figure increased or declined compared to the same period of time immediately prior to the selected date range (for example, if you have selected to show visitor statistics for a week, the trend will compare the selected week to the week before that). Immediately below the visitor count, you can see how many of these visitors were new, i.e. visiting the website for the first time.
  • Click to map: total number of clicks on maps on your website. This includes any interaction with maps, i.e. when visitors click or drag on the map or click the Get directions button. The percentage number indicates how much this figure increased or declined compared to the same period of time immediately prior to the selected date range. 
  • Click to call: total number of times a phone number was clicked on by visitors. This includes any link that pointed to a phone number, for example a text link or a phone link on a button. The percentage number indicates how much this figure increased or declined compared to the same period of time immediately prior to the selected date range. 
  • Click to contact: total number of times visitors initiated written contact on the website. This includes contact form submissions and clicks on links to an email address. The percentage number indicates how much this figure increased or declined compared to the same period of time immediately prior to the selected date range. 


Engagements: this block displays how many times visitors engaged with various elements on your website.


Visitors: this block provides an overview of visits and visitor behavior. Hover on individual dates on the interactive graph to view a breakdown of new visitors, returning visitors and number of conversions on that particular day.


  • New visitors: total number of times your website was visited by new visitors, i.e. visitors who access your website for the first time. 
  • Returning visitors: total number of times your website was visited by someone who had previously visited it on one or multiple occasions.  
  • Page views: total number of pages visited within the website.
  • Bounce rate: share of total visitors who only viewed a single page and left again without making any interactions on the website.
  • Average session duration: average time visitors spent browsing your website from the moment they entered to the moment they left.
  • Number of conversions: total number of times where visitors either clicked a phone number, clicked a map, clicked to contact (email, form), performed E-commerce transactions, placed a booking using Scheduling, or signed up as a user on the website.


Top channels: this view tells you more about where traffic to your website comes from. Hover on the pie chart slices to view the number of visitors coming from each channel.


  • Organic search: traffic from search engine results that is "earned", i.e. not deriving from paid search engine listing results.
  • Paid search: traffic from search engine results deriving from paid advertising via Google AdWords or another paid search platform.
  • Social: traffic coming from a social network, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter or Instagram.
  • Referral: traffic that occurs when a visitor finds you through a website other than a major search engine.
  • Direct: any traffic where the referrer or source is unknown, for example if the visitor typed in your website URL in their browser.
  • Other: if traffic does not fit into any of the sources outlined above, it will be bucketed into “Other” traffic.


Top pages: this block ranks the pages on your website by total number of visits. The percentage number indicates the share of total page views on the entire website. 


this block shows from which external websites your traffic is coming from. This data can help you target your advertising and social campaigns in an effort to drive more traffic to your website.




  How do I get back to the dashboard?

If you want to return to the dashboard later on while working in the Editor, click on the logo in the top left corner of the interface.


Editor interface

Regardless of where you are in the interface, the Editor's top bar will always be visible.


  1. Design: here you create your website by adding pages, content elements and applying styling.
  2. Content: manage all of your business information and files from here.
  3. Products: if add-on features have been made available for your website, they will appear here.   
  4. Settings: click the icon to change your default settings.
  5. Preview: click the Preview button to see what your website looks like on both desktop, tablet and mobile view. Read more about previews here.
  6. Publish: click here when you're ready to make your website accessible to visitors. Read more about publishing your website here.



In the Design section, you'll see the following options:


  1. Global Design: change the styling (colors, sizes, spacing, etc.) for the various content elements on your website. Read more here
  2. Pages: navigate around the pages on your website. Click the Manage pages button to add, edit and delete pages - and to add additional languages to your website. Read more here.
  3. Help: click the icon to access a list of keyboard shortcuts and the Editor's knowledge base.
  4. Viewports: click the viewports to make device-specific design and content changes. Read more here.
  5. Rollback: undo up to the last 30 actions performed in the Editor. Read more here.



Clicking on Content, you'll see the following options:


  1. Global Data: all your business information in one place. Any information added here can be pointed out various places on your website. Read more here.
  2. File Manager: manage all the files you're using on your website. Read more here.
  3. 301 redirects: set up 301 redirects to permanently redirect traffic from deleted or unused pages. Read more here.
  4. SEO: generate a quick report on what you can do to SEO-optimize your website. Read more here.
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