Migrate products from E-commerce to E-commerce+

If you wish to move your shop from E-commerce to E-commerce+, you can export all your products from the former and import them in the latter. 


Step 1: Export products from E-commerce

First, you'll need to export your existing products in E-commerce to an XSLX file. 

In the Editor > E-commerce > Products, click the Import and export button and then click Generate XLSX file


Step 2: Prepare the file for import

Prepare for the import into E-commerce+ by reading the following article about how the bulk upload interface works.

Rearrange the columns on the E-commerce+ bulk upload overlay to match the order of the columns in your XLSX file.

  Notes on terminology

Some of the terms used in the XLSX file differ slightly from the terms in the E-commerce+ bulk upload.

The active column in the XLSX file is equal to the Enabled column in E-commerce+.

The seo_title column in the XLSX file is equal to the Page title column in E-commerce+.

The seo_description column in the XLSX file is equal to the Meta description column in E-commerce+.


Exporting images from E-commerce to E-commerce+ is currently not supported. You will need to add images in E-commerce+ once your file has been uploaded. 

Once your file is ready, you'll need to save it in .csv format. Read how to do that in Excel here.


Step 3: Import products into E-commerce+

On the Import Products overlay in E-commerce+, select your .csv file and make sure Skip First Line is ticked. Then click Import to start the import process. It may take a few minutes before your products appear in your catalog. 

Remember to go through all the imported products to upload images and check that everything looks right.


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