Embed E-commerce+ on external platforms

You can embed E-commerce+ on any external platform that can display embedded HTML. You don't need to have a Mono website for this as you can use E-commerce+ as a standalone solution. Follow the steps in this article to successfully set up E-commerce+ on external platforms. 


Start a new account

The first step in using E-commerce+ as a standalone solution is to create a new account in RAI with the subscription type Ecwid E-commerce embed. This subscription type is free of charge and essentially creates an empty website "shell" required for being able to open the Editor and access E-commerce+.

Follow the steps below to create an account with Ecwid E-commerce embed.

  • Click the Create Account button in RAI.
  • Add the required information to the account (name, email, username, password and language).
  • Under Add subscription, select the subscription type Ecwid E-commerce embed.
  • If you have several versions of the Editor available on your account, make sure to choose the version II.
  • Finally you need to pick a template for the site. The actual template will not be visible in the Editor as the the Ecwid E-commerce embed subscription prevents any kind of website styling to take place, so you can select any template from the list - it won't make a difference.
  • Click on Create account and start subscription to create the account.



Add an E-commerce+ add-on subscription

The second step in using E-commerce+ as a standalone solution is to add an E-commerce+ add-on subscription to the account you have just created. This is a paid subscription which enables the actual use of E-commerce+ on the account. 

Follow the steps below to add the subscription.

  1. On the Account page of the account you've just created, click the Subscriptions tab.
  2. Scroll down the list of subscriptions and click the Add Ecwid subscription button. Select the desired plan from the list. You can find an overview of the various plans here.
  3. Click Start Ecwid subscription.

When the customer opens up the Editor, they only see a single tab titled E-COMMERCE+. All other Editor features have been hidden.



Embed E-commerce+ shop externally

Once you've set up your shop in E-commerce+ and it's time to go live, you'll need to insert it on your external website or platform. Follow these three steps to retrieve the embed code:

  1. From the E-commerce+ dashboard, navigate to Sales channels > Overview
  2. Find "Custom website" on the list and click Learn more.
  3. Click the Copy Code to Clipboard button.

Finally, paste the embed code on the external platform of your choice.

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