Sync website visitor data to your Google Analytics account

Google Analytics allows you to track, monitor and analyze your website traffic and understand your visitors' browsing behavior. When you feed data from your website to Google Analytics, you have the possibility to export highly detailed statistics about traffic and visitors

Synchronize website visitor data to your Google Analytics account in Settings > Website settings > Google Analytics.


Google Analytics Measurement ID

If you're tracking statistics with Google Analytics 4, paste your Measurement ID in the field Google Analytics Measurement ID. The ID begins with "G-" and looks something like this: G-K7VL8DTDB4.

  Adding multiple accounts

It's possible to add multiple Google Analytic accounts by comma-separating the IDs.


Google Analytics Tracking ID

If you're tracking statistics with older versions of Google Analytics (before Google launched Google Analytics 4), paste your Tracking ID in the field Google Analytics Tracking ID. The ID begins with "UA-" and looks something like this: UA-185284165-1.

  Adding multiple accounts

It's possible to add multiple Google Analytic accounts by comma-separating the IDs.

  Using both types of IDs simultaneously

You can track data with both a Measurement ID and a Tracking ID at the same time by adding both of them in their dedicated fields.


Placement of Google Analytics code

By default, the Google Analytics code will be placed within the <body> tag of your website along with all the rest of your content (text, links, images, etc.). If you instead want the code to be placed in your <head> tag, tick the box Place Google Analytics ID inside <head> tag. Google generally recommends to add IDs in the <head> of a website.


Google Tag Manager

If you're using Google Tag Manager, you can track statistics to your account by adding your Google Tag Manager ID in the field Google Tag Manager ID. The ID begins with "GTM-" and looks something like this: GTM-435923.


Switch off Google Analytics

Even if you didn't add your own Google Analytics credentials, a website built with the Editor sends anonymized visitor data to Google Analytics which we use to generate statistics on the Editor dashboard so you can see how your website is performing. 

In case you don't want any data sent over to Google Analytics, tick the box Don't send any data to Google Analytics, save and re-publish your site.


Technically, what this does is to remove any scripts and cookies on your live site set by Google Analytics. In other words, no visitor data gets passed on to Google Analytics.

Be aware that by activating this option, we are not able to gather any visitor statistics for your website and the stats on your dashboard will therefore show incorrect numbers. 

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