Use the Twitter modules to include different actions via Twitter on your website. You can add Twitter modules by selecting Twitter share, Twitter follow, Twitter hashtag or Twitter mention under the category Social media in the Add module overlay.




Twitter share

Use the Twitter share module to enable visitors to share pre-defined content on Twitter. Hover the module and click on Content or Design on the dropdown to edit your Twitter share module. 



  • Share URL: add the URL to the content you wish people to tweet.
  • Tweet text: write a small text that will show up alongside the URL in the tweet. If the tweet text is left blank, it will use the title of the page the module is on.
  • Author: add the Twitter username of the author of the content. If it is yourself, feel free to add your own username so people know who has originally posted the content.
  • Hashtags: add hashtags to the tweet by inputting them without the # in front and separated by a comma.
  • Show count: if enabled, a count with the total number of people who have shared that content will appear next to the Tweet button. 



The Design section is where you change the background, border, and spacing of your Twitter share module. For more information on styling, please refer to our styling guide.

In the Design section, you're also able to determine how big you want the share button to be.



Twitter follow

Use the Twitter follow module to add a Follow button to your website in order to influence visitors to follow you. Hover the module and click on Content or Design on the dropdown to edit your Twitter follow module.



  • Username: add your Twitter username so visitors can follow you.
  • Show username: when this option is enabled, your username will show up in the Follow button. Otherwise, the button only shows the Twitter icon and the text 'Follow'.  



The Design section is where you change the background, border, and spacing of your Twitter follow module. For more information on styling, please refer to our styling guide.

In the Design section, you're also able to determine how big you want the follow button to be.



Twitter hashtag

Use the Twitter hashtag module to make it possible for your visitors to tweet your hashtag alongside a predefined text and URL.

Hover the module and click on Content or Design on the dropdown to edit your Twitter hashtag module.



  • Hashtag: you can only add a single hashtag. Write it in the field and leave out the # in front.
  • Tweet text: write a small text to go alongside the hashtag. If the tweet text is left blank, it will use the title of the page the module is on.
  • Share URL: add the URL of the content you wish visitors to tweet.



The Design section is where you change the background, border, and spacing of your Twitter hashtag module. For more information on styling, please refer to our styling guide.

In the Design section, you're also able to determine how big you want the hashtag button to be.



Twitter mention

Use the Twitter mention module to allow visitors to mention you or someone else in a tweet. If they mention you, it's possible to add a predefined text. Hover the module and click on Content or Design on the dropdown to edit your Twitter mention module.



  • Share URL: add the URL of the content you wish visitors to tweet. 
  • Tweet text: write a small, predefined text you wish people to tweet out.



The Design section is where you change the background, border, and spacing of your Twitter Mention module. For more information on styling, please refer to our styling guide.

In the Design section, you're also able to determine how big you want the Twitter mention button to be.


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