Creating a new page on your website only takes a few clicks in the Editor. You create a new page from the main navigation by clicking on Pages > Manage pages > Add page.
Use the keyboard shortcut
Create a new page using the keyboard shortcut Option ⌥ + N (Mac) / Alt + N (PC).
Page layout types
When you've clicked the Add page button, an overlay appears displaying a range of different page layouts that you an choose from. Hover on a layout to view a mini preview of it. Click on a layout to add it as your new page.
Add an empty page
It's also possible to add an empty page (with just a single, empty row in it) if you wish to have a "blank" starting point. On the Add page overlay, find the the Empty page section at the bottom of the left-side menu.
Adding page information
You've now created your page. The next steps are to add details such as a page title, SEO information, and modify the page settings. Click here for more information about editing page settings.