How to add Global Data to your website

After you've inputted Global Data in the Content menu in the Editor you can start making full use of it on your website. Many of the modules in the Editor can be set up to fetch content from your Global Data and you can also inject Global Data information directly into paragraphs of text on your pages.  

  What is Global Data?

Global Data is your content library where you can input business information, upload your logo, add lists, and much more. Storing information in Global Data ensures that your data is automatically structured and helps search engines to easily find and identify your content. Read more about the advantages of using Global Data here


Using the toggle option on your modules

In order to activate the option for a module to use information from Global Data, open the module and toggle Use Global Data source. In the example below, you can see the option toggled on the Opening hours module. If you, later on, decide to change the opening hours in Global Data, the new hours will automatically appear in your Opening hours module.




Using Global Data tags in your text

In order to use this option, you need to add a Global Data tag to a text on your website.

There are two ways to do this:

  • Copy-paste tag from Content > Global Data: Under Content > Global Data, you will find all the Global Data fields and their matching tags. Copy the tag (it comes right after the Global Data field label) and paste it into any text in one of your Text modules.2_-Using-Global-Data-tags-in-your-text-p1.jpg

    Similar to using global data short code tags in text modules, you can also use them in SEO and alt text fields. See how here:
  • Pick Global Data field from the Text Editor dropdown menu: Within the Text Editor, you'll see a globe logo in the toolbar. Click on it and select the appropriate tag from the dropdown menu.

For example, if you would like your heading to say 'Yoga made simple with..' and then your company name, click the Global Data tag [company_name] and insert it. If you later change the company name in Global Data, the name will automatically be updated in your text.

  Add Global Data within modules

You can also add Global Data tags in text fields in a number of modules, for example the Accordion module.

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