To use Mono's AI features, you will need to open your own OpenAI account (one per partner), load a prepaid amount for AI token usage, and share the API key for that OpenAI account with us so we can connect it to our system. Having your own OpenAI account allows you to fully control your AI expenditure and data.

Here are a few important tips:

  • The minimum amount you can load is $5, but we recommend starting with at least $10-20. With $10, you can create approximately 750 landing page sites using Quick Creator AI (QC AI). An alert will pop up within QC AI if your OpenAI account balance reaches $0. The AI functionalities will resume working once the balance is reloaded.
  • After opening an OpenAI account and loading a prepaid amount, you will need to create an API key as described in this article. This key will allow us to connect your OpenAI account to the Mono Platform, enabling you to use our AI features.
  • This connection will allow you to access all current and upcoming AI features from Mono, including Quick Creator AI and the Text Editor AI Assistant.
  • Each partner only needs to create and connect one OpenAI account.
  • To enable Mono's AI features, you will need to submit a support ticket and provide your OpenAI API key.


This article explains how you can obtain your OpenAI API Key:

  1. Visit OpenAI Platform

  2. You should be presented with the login page. If you already have an account on OpenAI platform - please log in with your credentials and skip to step 5 of this tutorial. Otherwise, click on “Sign up” and follow subsequent steps. You will be redirected to a website, where you need to register an account.
    step 1.png

  3. You should be presented with the registration page. Register with your desired email and password or authenticate your user with one of the partner platforms (Google, Microsoft Account, Apple).
    step 3.png

    • If you have registered with an email, please proceed to your mailbox and open the email from OpenAI ( titled “OpenAI - Verify your email“. Click on the button in the email “Verify email address” as presented below:
      step 2.png

  4. You should be redirected to OpenAI with black background. The page should prompt you for personal and company details. Fill them in and click the green button “Agree”.
    step 4.png

  5. You will be now presented with OpenAI landing page. You might be prompted to enter either ChatGPT or API part of the platform. If that happens, please click on the “API”.
    step 5.png

  6. You should now be presented with the OpenAI API dashboard. If this is not the case, please click the button “Dashboard” that should be presented in the top right corner.
    step 6.png

  7. On the left side you should see the navigation side bar. Click on the “API keys” tab.
    step 7 1.png
    • If you are a freshly registered user, you will need to verify your account with a phone number before creating an API key. To do that click “Start verification“. It should trigger a pop up, where you should type your phone number.
      step 8.png

      step 7.png
    • You should receive a text message from OpenAI on the phone number. Please type the code in the input field.

  8. On the same “API Keys” you should now be able to click the “Create new secret key‍” button. Click it.
    step 8.png

  9. A new pop up should appear. Select the following options:

    • Owned by: “You

    • Name: write any name that will be indicative to you that the key is shared with us (Mono Solutions).

    • Project: “Default project

    • Permissions: “All"

      step 9.png

  10. Click on “Create secret key‍”.
    step 10.png

  11. You should be presented with a new message presenting your API key. It is important to note that this is the only time the key is visible and can be copied. We encourage you to copy it and save in a file that can be accessed later in if the key is needed in the future. To copy it click on the green “Copy” button. Once the key is saved, click “Done“.
    step 13.png

  12. Now that the key is generated and active, it needs to be shared with Mono Solutions to enable the AI functionality on your account. Please forward it to our customer support by submitting a ticket through our Support Platform.
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