What are One-Click Sites?

Mono One-Click Sites are a way to create websites in just one click. The technology leverages pre-structured data to automatically create a one-page website. The process requires little or no manual fulfillment and the result is a fully responsive and SEO-optimized website with three navigation menu items (About us, Gallery and Contact) in the header, pointing down to the relevant sections on the site via anchor links. 


Best-in-class SEO

One-Click Sites make it easy for search engines to read the content on the website. Each website section uses microdata tagging so that search-relevant information such as reviews or opening hours is displayed directly in search results to help to increase online visibility for SMBs.


Editable content

All content on a One-Click Site can be centrally edited in a simplified version of the Mono Editor with access to the extensive File Manager. However, the design, layout, and structure of the page are fixed and cannot be edited or changed. Editing these elements requires upgrading the One-Click Site. You can easily upgrade One-Click Sites to an editable version where you will receive full access to the Mono Editor, including Global Styling options. 


Content sources

The content source for One-Click Sites can be a directory profile, Central Index, Google Places, or any other structured data source, such as a CRM system. Custom systems can also be integrated as content sources for One-Click Sites and unique system IDs can be used to import content. One-Click Sites also feature two-way sync with some content sources, which means that content changes in the data source trigger an update of the same content on the One-Click Site, and vice versa.

The following content sources can be activated on your One-Click Site Generator

  • Centralindex (no sync after creation)
  • Google (one-way sync, Editor to Google)
  • Yext (two-way sync)

Please contact the Mono Service Team if you want one of the above content sources integrated on your One-Click Site Generator. 

  Using other content sources

You have the option to get your own content source integration for One-Click Sites. The integration will incur a development fee - for specific information about the fee, please contact your Partner Success Manager. To request to have an integration developed, you can either submit a ticket directly through our Service Portal or reach out to your Partner Success Manager. 

We'll need the following information to create the integration: API documentation, access to your content source, information about content types that you want included in the integration (i.e. logo, cover image, company name, company description, etc.), and any other important information about your content source. 

Besides using structured data from content sources, you have the possibility to manually fill in information in the One-Click Site Generator. To do so, type in information in the content fields under "Business information". 



Look and feel

One-Click Sites are created on templates made by Mono. There are currently two template variations - full or fixed width - with a predetermined font family available. You can set the base color you want to appear on the generated site (typically the SMB's logo color). Pick a single color and a three-tone color palette will be automatically generated based on your choice. If no color is selected, the template’s default color is used. A hero image is automatically placed at the top of the page – if no suitable image is provided via the content source, you can add an image manually from the Global Data interface from either the site's own image library or from an external image provider.


Full width One-Click Site



Fixed width One-Click Site



One-Click Site generator 

One-Click Sites are created through the One-Click Site Generator. You can modify the settings of the Generator in RAI under Admin > One-Click Sites. Read more about configuring the Generator here.


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