To enable Quick Creator, you need to start a ticket with partner support and provide them with your Google My Business (GMB) access key.

The GMB key is used to connect your Google account to Quick Creator. This allows you to use Google My Business (GMB) to search for businesses in the Quick Creator flow. Please be aware you are limited to 200 searches per day, but you can request more searches through your Google account if needed. 

This article explains how you can create the GMB access key.


1. Login to your Google account

  1. Navigate to
  2. Login with your work Google account credentials 


2. Create a project

  1. Create a new Project under Select a project
  2. Give it a name that makes sense to you – for example “QuickCreator”


2. Enable APIs & services

  1. Open the Notifications window by clicking the green circle in the top right corner.
  2. Click SELECT PROJECT from the Notifications window.

  3. In the left vertical menu, click on APIs & Services > Enabled APIs & services

  4. Click Library in the left vertical menu

  5. Search for google my business in the search field.
  6. Select My Business Business Information API
  7. Click ENABLE




3. Create a service account

  1. Click APIs & Services in the left vertical menu.

  2. Click My Business Business Information API from the list


  4. Click Manage service accounts

  5. Click CREATE SERVICE ACCOUNT and fill in a name that makes sense for you, for example QuickCreator

  7. Select an access role. Owner will give full access to the API, for example. You can also select any other access role that fits better with your security guidelines. If we can query the Information API, any access role will be fine.

  8. Click CONTINUE, then DONE



4. Create the access key

  1. Click, which is the account you just created.

  2. Go to KEYS in the top horizontal menu.
  3. Click ADD KEY > Create new key

  4. This will trigger a popup. Select JSON format on the popup
  5. Click CREATE
  6. This should prompt a download of a .json file. This .json file is your access key.
  7. Please attach the .json file to the ticket you create with Partner Support, when requesting to set up Quick Creator.


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